Winter Solutions

Winter Solutions

Growers are set to get more out of their winter crops with Pacific Seeds.

We are committed to helping growers and agronomists to get the best possible outcome for every rotation. This is what drives product innovation and a focus on providing customers with expert support across different seasons and different environments.

A special focus on herbicide technologies, integrated weed management and integrated pest management are some of the ways in which Pacific Seeds looks to assist Australian growers to achieve their ambitions.

Winter Solutions

Your Technical Guides

Canola Agronomy

Pacific Seeds developed the world’s first hybrid canola in 1988. Since then, it has been working with Australia’s and the world’s most experienced canola breeders to consistently deliver the highest canola yields, oils and blackleg resistance; protecting your profitability across diverse seasonal conditions.

With our recent releases of world first herbicide tolerant stacks, we have worked with partners to develop stewardship and integrated weed management guides to ensure the long-term sustainability of this important technology.

Our innovative winter type canola hybrid provides growers with flexibility in sowing time, end use and feed management. When used as a ‘Graze n Grain’ product even greater returns are possible.

We have on-going research into canola management investigating many topics such as nutrition, phenology and stewardship all focused on continuing to demonstrate the value in hybrid canola to the Australian industry.

View our canola agronomy resources

Wheat Agronomy

We are committed to producing wheat varieties that put more money in the pocket of Australian wheat growers. A wide range of options delivers choice when it comes to growers identifying the variety that best suits their needs.

Our wheat varieties are recognised for their excellent quality and grain size. Many of these products are used by millers to produce bread, biscuits and noodles for the Australian and international markets.

Pacific Seeds varieties cover a wide range of maturities with various quality classifications providing growers the best opportunity to maximise their return and realise the success they strive for.

View our wheat resources