Be better informed with easy to understand trial data

Be better informed with easy to understand trial data

Pacific Seeds has developed an easy-to-use tool to compare canola trial variety yield results. This unique tool compares yields within and across herbicide technologies.

It uses data from three years of trials across 48 sites in Australia, testing 55 varieties from Pacific Seeds and competing varieties from the whole market. The Canola Yield Tool is updated annually with additional seasonal trial results data.
Canola Yield Tool

The tool shows how different varieties perform across various yield zones, highlighting the importance of multi-environment trials (METs) in assessing variety performance.

How do I use the tool?
It’s easy, select 1-3 varieties from the drop-down options and click “Generate Graph”. Each variety will be displayed in a different colour. To change your selection, click the “x” next to the variety name and choose another option.

How do I interpret the graph?
Coloured dots represent variety performance in each yield zone. The dotted line shows the average performance across all zones, making it easy to compare results.

Canola Yield Tool

The Yield tool isn’t available on mobile, please use a larger device e.g. tablet or computer

Want to learn more about the Canola yield tool or the National Hyola Innovation Systems Technology Trials, please contact Justin Kudnig National Canola Technical Manager ph: 0408 408 616 or email

The information provided on this display is intended as a guide only. Advanta Seeds Pty Ltd (‘Advanta Seeds’) (including its officers, employees, contractors and agents) can not guarantee that every statement is without flaw of any kind. While Advanta Seeds has taken all due care to ensure that the information provided is accurate at the time of publication, various factors, including planting times and environmental conditions may alter the characteristics and performance from plants. Advanta Seeds shall not be liable for any errors or omissions in the information or for any loss, injury, damage or other consequence whatsoever that you or any person might incur as a result of your use of or reliance upon the products (whether Advanta Seeds products or otherwise) and information which appear in this publication. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the liability of Advanta Seeds for any claim whatsoever arising out of the supply or use of or reliance upon the products and information in this publication (including liability for breach of any condition or warranty implied by the Trade Practices Act 1974 or any other law) is limited at its discretion, to the replacement of the products, the supply of equivalent products or the resupply of the publication. For application to specific conditions, seek further advice from a local professional. © Advanta Seeds 2024.

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