

With more than 60 years of experience producing seed in Australia, we use the latest technology and agronomic practices across multiple production sites to bring the best seed to growers.

It takes over 18 months to produce a bag of hybrid seed ready for planting, and each step of the process is monitored and tested to ensure the best outcome for growers.

Producing our seed
Car driving on road between fields

Producing our seed

Seed is subject to the same environmental and pest pressures as grain. Careful treatment is required throughout the growing, harvesting and processing cycles to ensure germination and quality is at the highest level.

Where possible, our sites are spread across geographies, ensuring production under irrigation as well as constant monitoring for unwanted weeds, pests and pathogens. Depending on the crop and relevant quarantine restrictions, we produce our seed in both domestic and international locations.

Locally, we produce large volumes of both summer and winter seed in the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area (MIA) of southern New South Wales as well as in Central New South Wales. Pacific Seeds is fortunate enough to have its own farms in Kununurra, Western Australia where, thanks to the warm winter climate, we can produce contra season summer crops.

Testing seed quality
Gloved hands holding scalpel, testing seeds from a pile

Testing seed quality

Once seed crops are harvested, our Toowoomba based Quality Control laboratory closely monitors the seed through each step of the processing journey.

Prior to reaching a farmer for planting, each seed lot will have undergone multiple tests for key factors such as seed vigour, germination and physical purity. Before being released for sale, our products meet stringent quality benchmarks.

Seed processing and treatment
Man interacting with machinery controls

Seed processing and treatment

The seed harvested from a production paddock goes through many steps to ensure only the best makes it into the final product bags. From grading out impurities and undersized or imperfect seed, to applying chemical treatments, each step of the process is overseen and quality tested at our Toowoomba-based processing plant before advancing to the next stage.

As seed treatment and processing technology has advanced, so has the infrastructure and skills applied to reach the final product.

Our $2.4 million custom built processing plant combines cutting edge mechanisms with treatment outcomes to significantly improve seed cleaning, increase plant capacity and reduce power consumption.