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Hyola Feast CL

Hyola Feast CL is a high performance earlier maturing graze ‘n’ grain winter hybrid delivering grain yields up to 20 per cent higher than others in the market.

Hyola Feast CL provides an 8 series flowering and windrowing maturity delivering results 5-8 days faster than other Winter canola types. Whilst exhibiting a lower vernalisation requirement, Hyola Feast CL provides a wider range of farmers, in a wider range of regions, with access to the graze and grain canola segment.

Hyola Feast CL
2.0 - 6.5 t/ha
Yield adaptability
Mid - high
Oil potential
Mid - late
Blackleg rating (UCI)
Blackleg rating (bare)


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Attributes Rating
Yield adaptability 2.0 - 6.5 t/ha
Blackleg rating (UCI) R
Blackleg rating (bare) R
Blackleg groups H
Oil potential Mid - high
Herbicide tolerance CL winter
Maturity Mid - late
# Plant vigour 9.5 - 10.0
# Plant height Tall
Growing regions MRZ - VHRZ

# Visual ratings from Pacific Seeds replicated Research & Development trials.

Herbicide tolerance: XX = TruFlex® canola with Roundup Ready® Technology, XX + CL = TruFlex + Clearfield® canola, CL + TT = Clearfield canola + Triazine tolerant, TT = Triazine tolerant,
CL = Clearfield canola.

Important note: this is a guide only, to make a fully informed choice, please refer to our Advanta Seeds Pty Ltd specific conditions

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