An expert in their field

An expert in their field

September 17, 2021

What agronomists think about Pacific Seeds’s range of Hyola varieties.

Agricultural advances help keep Australian growers on the front foot. But, like with any new technology, it takes expertise and advice to know how to make the most of it.

Here’s what agronomists have to say about the new additions to the Pacific Seeds Hyola Canola range.

Man kneeling in canola field

Craig Farlow is the Elders Rural tech services manager for Victoria and the Riverina. He works with an agronomy team to run trials and test the latest technologies from a range of agricultural companies. He says that this work gives growers a clear idea of how new advances in genetics and herbicide-tolerance traits can fit into their systems.

“We’re really lucky when we can invest in this sort of research and get some real numbers that growers can have some confidence in what’s the best option for them,” Craig stated.

Canola hybrids have benefited from advances in herbicide tolerance, which, according to Craig, has made them a key addition to crop rotations – and an effective integrated weed management tool.

“Canola has always had a great fit in the rotation, crop rotation, particularly with cereals for a disease break. But also, as we’ve experienced a growing range of resistant weeds, we’ve got another management tool that we can slot in there.”

And the introduction of hybrids stacked with dual herbicide-tolerant traits has only improved the outlook for weed control.

“Now we’ve got stacked varieties. We’ve got two modes of action for controlling weeds in the crop. So we’ve got a wider window for tackling some of the hard-to-control weeds. And we can combine that with our pre-emergent chemistry to make sure that we’re keeping those paddocks clean.

“So, that’s going to maximise our yields and the profitability for growers – but it’s also going to have flow-on effects for following crops.

“We’re getting that disease break, but we’ve also got a very profitable crop.”

Ash and Brad are agronomists for Tylers Rural – Ash in Stawell, Brad in Rupanyup. Both are keen to introduce dual-stacked hybrids into their operations.

“Duel-technology canola is going to be an excellent tool for us going forward,” Braid said.

“[It’s] going to be a great fit for us, just being able to use multiple modes of action to try and combat resistant ryegrass populations that we’ve really struggled with in the district for a couple of years now.”

Ash also noted the flexibility and efficiency that dual-stacked hybrids promised.

“The Clearfield® and triazine tolerance together gives [us a] greater defense against potential errors that can happen on farm – like the contamination of boom sprayers,” he said.

“Paddock history can sometimes get forgotten, so having that tolerance trait is pretty handy.”

Elders Agronomist Josh McLeod works across central Victoria, which he thinks is a good fit for the long-season graze ‘n’ grain canola hybrids, such as Hyola Feast CL and Hyola 970CL.

He says that these hybrids offer growers more versatility with sowing windows, and there’s the potential for exceptional returns – especially for mixed-cropping enterprises.

“When we’re advising or planning with our growers on what sort of canola varieties to potentially grow on-farm, we’re considering our livestock production and what we’re trying to achieve during different times of the year,” Josh said.

“With the 970 or the Feast canola, it gives the growers a bit more opportunity to spell pasture paddocks or other grazing crops while they’ve got their livestock on these grazing canolas.

“Which is a hidden profit for growers as well.”

To discover more about the Pacific Seeds Hyola Canola range, visit