Calls for dual-herbicide canola answered with Hyola 580CT
March 4, 2019South Australian canola growers have been calling for a dual-herbicide tolerant non-GM canola hybrid combining Clearfield and triazine tolerant technologies, and Pacific Seeds has answered those calls, becoming the first company to sell it for the 2019 season.
The new technology, known as Hyola CT, is available nationwide in the form of the first variety, mid-season hybrid Hyola 580CT.
Yorketown farmer Richard Dodd was one of the first in the country to trial the new technology last season.
Mr Dodd said with the rapid expansion of group b imi-tolerant crops such as wheat, barley and lentils in his district, Hyola CT is an important part of the winter cropping IWM toolbox.
“Dual-herbicide canola is a big winner in our district because there’s heavy use of group b’s,” he said.
“We planted this on a block we recently purchased that has group b ‘imi’ residues, but because it was such a small plot, we just used the Clearfield element.
“My agronomist got me onto the Hyola CT, because we want the dual tolerance for the canola we are planting this year – so we can use the TT chemicals for our weed control.”
He planted six hectares on the new paddock about 20km from their home block, ‘Temana’, where he farms with his father Colin.
The pair crop 3000ha of wheat, barley, canola, lentils and faba beans, along with producing vetch hay.
They also run 40 cattle and a contract windrowing and spreading business.
Seeding starts around Anzac Day, with beans going in first, followed by canola and cereals.
The Hyola 580CT was sown early May with a fertiliser program that included 80kg/ha of Granulock, 125kg/ha of SOA and 150kg/ha urea.
“It was very dry except for August when we received 100mm, which saved the year effectively.
“Yorke Peninsula also experienced frost that we’d never had before and received a little more rain at the start of October.
“All-in-all it was a dry, challenging season.”
They harvested the canola in mid-November, with the new variety yielding 1.8t/ha on average – the same as their 44Y90 CL alongside it.
“This coming season we’re going to use Hyola CT again but put in 200ha.”