Hyola 970CL sets new Australian Canola yield record

Hyola 970CL sets new Australian Canola yield record

March 12, 2021

A New South Wales mixed farming business has set a new Australian canola grain yield record using a combination of leading genetics from Pacific Seeds, Hyola 970CL and an innovative dual-purpose farming approach developed by CSIRO in conjunction with local agronomists.

The Mayfield farm, owned by the Hawkins family and managed by Peter Brooks, produced 7.16 tonnes/hectare (Hyola 970CL) beating the previous record set in Tasmania of 6.17 tonnes/hectare (also Hyola 970CL), just missing the world record held by an English farmer at 7.19 tonnes/hectare.

Photos courtesy of CSIRO, 2020

“We’ve had great conditions in 2020, however achieving this yield didn’t happen overnight – it was a culmination of 15 years of working with CSIRO to improve our systems,” said Mr Brooks.

The record was made even more impressive as the variety was the dual-purpose Pacific Seeds Winter hybrid canola Hyola 970CL, and it was grazed first with 20 lambs a hectare feeding off the crop for eight weeks, adding a further margin to already healthy income.

The Mayfield farm fields provided a “dual-purpose” between feeding the livestock and growing crops, a system developed in canola that helps farmers by reducing additional off-farm feed and giving traditionally grazing pastures time to “rest”.

“What we’ve found exciting from an agronomic perspective is that this occurred in a region where canola isn’t very common, and it could provide inspiration for a lot more farmers to grow dual-purpose canola,” said Mayfield’s farm agronomist, James Cheetham of Delta Agribusiness.

Justin Kudnig, National Canola Technical Manager with Pacific Seeds congratulated all parties involved saying, “This brings together the best in innovative applied science, leading genetics, advanced agronomic advice and ongoing grower initiative”.

Hyola 970CL has now established itself firmly as Australia’s leading Winter graze n grain Clearfield® hybrid for mixing cropping enterprises. For February to early April sowings it can produce an impressive high-quality forage for grazing through autumn and winter. It also offers a very high, unique Group H blackleg rating of R, perfect for disease resistance management.

(This article contains excepts from CSIRO media release from 23 Feb 2021)

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