Stewardship key in preserving herbicide efficacy

Stewardship key in preserving herbicide efficacy

November 1, 2019

Pacific Seeds advocates the preservation of Australia’s canola herbicide production systems through the correct selection and application of canola production systems.

Part of any sustainable farming practice involves good stewardship, and adapting to new farming practices and technologies, especially with regards to integrated weed management (IWM).
The stewardship principles for Hyola® CT Technology fully align with the broader Clearfield® Stewardship System.
Pacific Seeds also recommends that no more than two (2) Group B herbicides are applied in any four (4) year period on the same paddock as this is an important component of the Clearfield® stewardship program, and where possible, care should be taken to avoid applications of Group B herbicides in consecutive years unless at least two years’ previous good weed control has been achieved with methods other than Group B herbicides.

Through Pacific Seeds leadership in developing new and novel canola herbicide technologies, we can provide our growers with increased options and flexibility

Pacific Seeds also encourages any person applying pesticides to keep accurate records of all herbicide usage.
Reducing the weed burden can increase yields, reduce production costs, protect the integrity of Australia cropping systems, protect grain from marketing risks both domestically and export (i.e. weed seed ontamination), and increase the sustainability of grain production in Australia.
Through Pacific Seeds leadership in developing new and novel canola herbicide technologies, we can provide our growers with increased options and flexibility…“more tools in the tool box” so to speak…during the canola phase of their cropping rotation. This aligns well with the industry WEEDSMART’s “The Big 6” basis for an IWM program
which can be summarised as follows:

  1. ROTATE CROPS AND PASTURES: Use double break crops, fallow and pasture phases to drive the weed seedbank down over consecutive years.
  2. DOUBLE KNOCK – TO PRESERVE GLYPHOSATE: Follow glyphosate with a high rate of paraquat to control survivors in a fallow or pre-sowing situation.
  3. MIX AND ROTATE HERBICIDES: Rotate between herbicide groups; Use different groups within the same herbicide mix; Always use full rates.
  4. STOP WEED SEED SET: Crop top canola, pulses and feed barley (APVMA APPROVAL NO.: 62723/114765) in weedy paddocks; Consider hay, brown manure or long fallow in high-pressure paddocks; Spray top/spray fallow pasture prior to the cropping phase.
  5. CROP COMPETITION: Adopt at least one competitive strategy (but two is better), including reduced row spacing, higher seeding rates, east-west sowing and competitive varieties.
  6. HARVEST WEED SEED CONTROL: Capture weed seed survivors at harvest using chaff lining, chaff tramlining, chaff carts, narrow windrow burning or integrated weed seed destructors.