PAC624 providing more options for dairy farmers
September 15, 2020Pyree dairy farmers Tom and Kyleigh Cochrane have been growing PAC 624 as their main variety for silage for many years now and still think it is the best hybrid for their requirements.
“PAC 624 just seems to suit our conditions and it continually does the job for us with consistent yields with great quality due to its high starch content,” Tom Cochrane said.

Last season they planted a total of 52ha over several plantings under both irrigation and dryland.
“Our best yielding field was obviously the one under the centre pivot (24 ha) in an unforgiving season where rainfall was limited.
“Not sure exactly what it yielded but I am thinking about 65-70 t/ha of green chop and it made fantastic silage and we were very happy with the result.
“Our dryland paddocks did’nt do as well with the dry season and we also had plenty of grass/weed competition.
“It still made reasonable silage and we will feed our dry cows on it, being a bit lower in quality.”